2015 年 10 月 5 日(月)におこないます「広島大学極限宇宙研究拠点 (Core-U) セミナー」のお知らせです。事前の参加登録は必要ありません。多くの方のご参加をお待ちしております。
第 11 回 (2015 年度第 6 回) 広島大学極限宇宙研究拠点 (CORE-U) セミナー
日時: 2015 年 10 月 5 日(月) 10:45 – 12:00
場所: 広島大学理学研究科 E 棟 002 講義室
講師: Gines Martinez-Garcia 博士(仏 SUBATECH 研究所 主任研究員)
題目: The Hadronic Matter and Heavy Ion Collisions at Relativistic Energies
In the last 20 years, heavy-ion collisions have been a unique way to
study the hadronic matter in the laboratory. Its phase diagram
remains unknown, although many experimental and theoretical studies
have been undertaken in the last decades. After the initial
experiences accelerating heavy nuclei onto fixed targets at the AGS
(BNL, USA) and the SPS (CERN, Switzerland), the Relativistic Heavy Ion
Collider (RHIC) at BNL was the first ever built heavy-ion collider.
RHIC delivered its first collisions in June 2000 boosting the
heavy-ion community. Impressive amount of experimental results has
been obtained by the four major experiments at RHIC: PHENIX, STAR,
PHOBOS and BRAHMS. In November 2010, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
at CERN delivered lead-lead collisions at unprecedented center-of-mass
energies, 14 times larger than that at RHIC. The three major
experiments, ALICE, ATLAS and CMS, have already obtained many
intriguing results. Needless to say that the heavy-ion programs at
RHIC and LHC promise fascinating and exciting results in the next
decade. After a brief introduction to QCD matter and its deconfined
state the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), the heavy-ion collisions at
ultra-relativistic energies will be proposed as a unique experimental
method to study QGP in the laboratory, as suggested by the Bjorken
model. The main experimental facilities in the world will be
described, namely the CERN and BNL accelerator complexes. The main
probes for characterizing the QGP in heavy-ion experiments, followed
by a brief description of the main heavy-ion experiments located at
these facilities will be shown. Finally I will present my biased
review of the numerous experimental results obtained in the last
decade at RHIC which lead to the concept of strong interacting QGP,
and the first results obtained at LHC with the 2010 and 2011 PbPb
広島大学極限宇宙研究拠点 (Core-U) セミナー世話人
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